Friday, February 7, 2020

Going all in...with barn cats

We are the type of family that tends to go all in when we want to try something new. This can be exciting and nerve wrecking at the same time. I mentioned in my previous blog entry that we had decided to get barn cats. My wife (Liz) came up with this idea shortly after we moved into the new place. Not a fan of small critters like mice and rats, she saw this as a great solution to keep them at bay in the area where we would eventually like to have chickens. Also, my kids had expressed that they might like to have a cat but I am allergic so we definitely would never have indoor cats. Perfect solution, right? It seemed like the local humane society had a window into Liz’s mind because shortly after this idea sprang up, they advertised a need for someone to adopt two barn cats. They have a great program where they will spay/neuter and vaccinate these feral cats and give them a chance at life with those that need barn cats. This time, it was us! More excitement in our house as we were about to venture into unknown territory. We prepared by researching how to get your barn cats to become familiar with their surroundings and once it was time to let them roam, how to get them to stick around. We also purchased some cat food, kitty litter, food/water bowls and used an old storage bin we had for a makeshift litter box. Liz brought them home and we released them into an outbuilding that has a garage door that closes onto loose gravel. Things seemed to be going great. The two cats were using the litter box, eating their food and were getting along. They were both very shy and would not let us come near them. After only a couple of days, we noticed that a door to the outbuilding had been left open. This was from our 4 year old son being curious and checked on the cats but forgot to close the door behind him. It happens…One cat gone, one cat stayed. We hoped the other would return but after a week, we knew that would not be the case. Of course, our kids named the cats. It was Rocky who busted out, and Midnight decided to stay. We thought retaining one out of two wasn’t bad and after a couple of weeks, it felt like Midnight was going to stay. We were getting close to the point where our research had told us it was time to let the cat roam and see if it would come back. One morning, I noticed under the garage door, there was a hole that had been dug out just large enough for a cat to squeeze under. Uh oh! Did we lose another one?! I went and inspected, sure enough, Midnight had run out of food and decided to take matters into his own hands digging a small pathway in the gravel, under the garage door. He was gone but not for long. Two days later, he returned! The kids were so happy. We decided to not fill the hole. Midnight could come and go as he pleased. I continued to fill the water and the food and changed the litter. After a while, there was no longer any reason to clean the litter box…this had me a little curious. The food was being eaten…Had Midnight decided to do his business outside now that he had free range? We couldn’t catch a glimpse of him for a couple of weeks and I noticed that the hole under the garage door had gotten a little bigger. I was becoming more suspicious until one night on our return home I received my answer. Close to the pathway that Midnight had created was a possum! Yes, I had been feeding a possum for weeks. It is still unknown where Midnight ran off to. We can only hope that he has found a better life and maybe someday will return. I know that possums are great for eating ticks and are considered nature’s pest control but he can do that outside of my building and eat ticks instead of cat food. The hole is now filled, the food and water dishes put away. Things don’t always turn out as you expect them to but you have to at least give it a try. We will try again when the weather is a bit warmer and we will continue to go all in. It might not turn out as we think but the experience will help us along the way.

Monday, February 3, 2020

Taking that first step...Happy Birthday to me!

Welcome to my first attempt at writing a personal blog. Today (Feb. 1st) happens to be my 40th birthday so I couldn’t think of a better time than now to get started on one. You could say that I have never shied away from an adventure. When I was younger, my adventures and impulsive decision making probably was more based on being curious and seeing my world as not having much to lose. At age 18 and two weeks out of high school, I used graduation funds to go on a solo trip to Europe for a week. This was experience I could not have gained anywhere else and I will never forget it. Later in college, after a failed attempt of becoming a meteorologist, I packed up all that I owned in my ’94 Chevy Cavalier and moved to California. Well that didn’t work out well and I soon moved back to the Midwest with a new plan and having learned a ton from taking the chance. There was a lot of life in between but it wasn’t until I started having a family and found Christ that my decisions really started to become something that I prayed about and left in the hands of God for direction. This didn’t necessarily make any of my decisions less “crazy” or over the top but as far as I am concerned, were guided by faith and since using God as my compass, these decisions have turned out so much better. Now this blog will find it's theme and purpose eventually, for now, it is an outlet for someone who loves to write, to finally get back in the groove and put thoughts on paper. Writers know that when you get going, you sometimes can’t stop and the theme comes out in the end. Another reason that I wanted to start to blog was a recent decision in my life has really inserted a ton of excitement into my family’s life. In August, 2019, we purchased a new house that sits on a nice piece of land just outside of the small town that my wife grew up in. We had moved back to this small town in 2014 (more to come on this at a later time) but lived in town and actually could see the house that we now live in from our previous back yard. In fact, when we watched the sun go down, we were watching it set on our future home. The one God had placed in our path, the one that with prayerful consideration and a ton of faith, we made the decision to leap into what God was pushing us toward. I am starting this blog because at 40 years old, I feel like we are at the beginning of an amazing adventure, something we were meant to do and I wanted to share our journey and real life experience with you. From “city boy” to living in the country, I can’t wait for all of the adventures that my family is going to have. We have already experienced some new things such as getting to plow a long lane, putting up snow fence, planting trees, getting barn cats (and losing barn cats) and several other things. Planning for the layout of our land and how we can utilize it to honor the gift that God has given us has been very interesting and still a work in progress but implementing this plan is what I intend to focus on with this blog. I’m sure it will provide some humor, some insight and hopefully some inspiration. At age 40, I am taking a class to become a beekeeper. This is something that I have wanted to do since I was a little kid growing up in California. My bees are set to arrive in April so “bee” looking forward to hearing more on this and other "adventures". Never stop learning and never stop praying. Thanks for coming along with us on our journey…