Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Time to grow!

Happy Earth Day! It has been a month since my last post and I have decided to get back on the horse. It has been too long and today is the day to set aside some time to write. This past month has been a time of adjusting to a new way of life, a time of appreciation for the blessings that we have and a time to take a step back and re-evaluate what is truly important in life. Where are you headed? (Probably not too far from the house, right?! ;)) There have been many times in my life where the path that I thought I would be on has abruptly changed and from there you have to learn to adjust and lean in closer to God. Because of COVID-19, we are all in one of those moments together. I can look back at other times in my life where unexpected change has occurred and realize the blessings that came with those changes. Of course, in the midst of the change it is sometimes difficult to see but hindsight provides the right lens to focus on the importance and the positive impact those changes made. We are all better for the things that we have been through and the experience that we have gained. Those experiences mold us into the people that we are and who we will become. It is up to us to let our experiences make a positive impact on not only our own development but helping others as they navigate through the things that you have already been through. I know, this is getting a little deep considering that this is supposed to be a blog about a family from the city that moved to the country and is experiencing new “country” things. From experience, I know how these times of change and unexpected situations can be an easy way to let your guard down and let negativity in so I want to do my part to let you all know that you have a purpose, you are loved and the best is yet to come. We have been using this time to grow closer as a family. I have since finished the chicken coop and as a family, we transported all 14 of the chickens out to the coop. With the family present, I installed roughly 20,000 honey bees into their new hive and after a week and a half, things are going great. We have all spent time in our new garden planting and getting ready for more. We all spent a day deep cleaning the house. I have been able to spend more time with our boys during the day and while it has been a challenge to get through school lessons and complete daily chores (can I get an amen?!), we have been together through it all. Baseball and basketball practices have been in the yard and in the driveway, as a family. Dinners (more than usual) have been together as a family, we have even gotten into a couple of bible studies. If this pandemic doesn’t occur, these things don’t happen and we continue to be pulled in separate ways and the usual craziness of life ensues. I’m not bashing the crazy way of life that we had pre-pandemic, I am simply appreciating the new opportunity to be together and it has been awesome. We absolutely miss our friends and activities. Life happens and we learn and grow. For my family, we choose to trust in God and understand that he will provide in his time. Be patient, be kind to others and grow from this experience.